Catalogue > À la une > Bond by Thinking Paradox

Bond by Thinking Paradox

17,50 €


par Thinking Paradox

Magie de Close-up

Ref : dvbond

En savoir plus

Link two borrowed rings, visibly and without any switches.
  • The two rings are genuinely borrowed and they are always in plain sight.
  • There are no switches or duplicates.
  • Everything happens in plain sight without hiding anything.
  • You can link and unlink them as many times as you want.
  • It's perfect for parlor performances, but you can present it up close with careful attention to angles.
  • You will learn 2 handlings for different situations.
  • It's very easy to do and always ready.
  • At the end, everything is examinable.
  • No threads or magnets are used; the secret is very innovative.
  • The gimmick is easy and inexpensive to make with household materials.

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