Catalogue > À la une > Loyal Vanish by Thinking Paradox

Loyal Vanish by Thinking Paradox

17,50 €


par Thinking Paradox

Magie des pièces et billets
Magie de Close-up

Ref : dvloyalvan

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Signed coin to shoe 100% impromptu.

At any moment, you borrow a coin and have it signed on both sides. Now, holding it at your fingertips with your sleeves rolled up, the coin vanishes into thin air without a trace. Your hands are genuinely empty, and there's nothing to hide. But here's the best part: without even moving from your spot, without bending down, and using only your feet, you remove one of your shoes to reveal the signed coin inside! A valuable coin technique that will allow you to create genuine impromptu miracles.

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